
How To Install Scrapy In Python


This is the #3 post of my Scrapy Tutorial Serial, in this Scrapy tutorial, I will talk about basic points of Python such equally Python version, Python bundle and prove you how to install Scrapy on your Linux motorcar. You tin utilise this Scrapy install guide to help y'all install Scrapy on Ubuntu, CentOS, or other linux distributions. In this tutorial, we would use python3 as our Python version, if you still want to use the former python2 version, only replace all python3 with python2 and pip3 with pip2 in code

Bones Points

Even you can successfully install Scrapy on Linux without reading the basic points hither, information technology is still recommended to read this section carefully because you volition have a ameliorate understanding of Python, Scrapy, and pip.

Python Version

The python version of your env we ordinarily talk near is the version number of the Python interpreter. The easy way to bank check the version number is just type python in your terminal.

As you tin can meet, the default python interpreter of my Ubuntu (16.04) is 2.vii.ten, this version might vary from the unlike Linux versions. At present at that place are mainly ii versions python 2 and python iii for yous to choose. The deviation betwixt them is

Curt version: Python 2.ten is legacy, Python three.x is the present and future of the language

If you lot practise not accept a solid reason to use python 2, merely embrace python3, which is the present and hereafter of python.

For example, on my Ubuntu sixteen.04 python3 is already installed. If I blazon python3 in last


pip is the preferred installer program, for example, nosotros can use pip to install Scrapy by typing pip install Scrapy. It will handle all dependency for us and install them showtime, which is very convenient.

Quick and muddy manner to install Scrapy on Linux

If you lot want to get started quick and dirty, just apply this way.

          # Install python dependency  # For apt (ubuntu, debian...): sudo apt-get install python3-dev  # If you nonetheless use python2 on ubuntu, debian, just utilize sudo apt-get install python2-dev  # For yum (centos, redhat, fedora...): sudo yum install python-devel  # install pip cd ~ wget sudo python3  # As you tin see, pip now has been installed in python3 package directory [email protected]:~$ pip -V pip from /usr/local/lib/python3.v/dist-packages (python 3.5)                  

Now pip has been installed, nosotros can use information technology to install python package for us now! Since pip is located in python3 packet directory, nosotros can employ pip3 instead of pip to brand our lawmaking clear. If you installed pip in python2 package directory, you can of class employ pip2 instead of pip.

          sudo pip3 install scrapy  [email protected]:~$ python3 Python three.five.2 (default, Nov 17 2022, 17:05:23)  [GCC 5.4.0 20220609] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import scrapy >>> scrapy <module 'scrapy' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.v/dist-packages/scrapy/'> >>>                  

Every bit yous can run across, now scrapy has been installed on global packet directory of python3, which ways information technology is available across all of your python projects.

More decent mode to install Scrapy on Linux

Scrapy installed via the lawmaking above are global so they are available across all of your projects. That can be user-friendly at times, but information technology can too become problems. Then how to install Scrapy on an isolated environs? This is why virtualenv created. On my Ubuntu machine, but a few Python packages such as pip and virtualenv are globally bachelor — other packages such equally Scrapy, Django are installed in virtual environments.

We can use the code above to install pip for us, after that, we start to install virtualenv

          sudo pip3 install virtualenv cd ~ mkdir Virtualenvs cd Virtualenvs virtualenv scrapy_env # after the env was created  [email protected]:~/Virtualenvs$ source scrapy_env/bin/activate (scrapy_env) [email protected]:~/Virtualenvs$                  

As you can meet, we use source scrapy_env/bin/actuate to actuate the virtualenv, and now if you install python package, all of them would be in an isolated env, and the name of the virtualenv tin bee seen in the shell prompt.

          pip3 install scrapy  (scrapy_env) [electronic mail protected]:~/Virtualenvs$ python3 Python 3.5.two (default, Nov 17 2022, 17:05:23)  [GCC v.iv.0 20220609] on linux Type "assistance", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import scrapy >>> scrapy <module 'scrapy' from '/home/michaelyin/Virtualenvs/scrapy_env/lib/python3.five/site-packages/scrapy/'>                  

From the code above, you can see the scrapy is now located in virtualenv we just created.

ipython trounce

Ipython shell is much more powerful than python panel, Scrapy beat will employ it if ipython has been installed instead of python panel. I will talk virtually this in more item in the future, only starting time, we need to install information technology.

          # make sure we are in virtualenv pip3 install ipython                  
          (scrapy_env) [electronic mail protected]:~/Virtualenvs$ ipython Python 3.5.2 (default, Nov 17 2022, 17:05:23)  Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information IPython 6.1.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.  In [one]: import this The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters  Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is amend than implicit. Elementary is better than circuitous. Complex is meliorate than complicated. Flat is better than nested. Sparse is improve than dense. Readability counts. Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules. Although practicality beats purity. Errors should never pass silently. Unless explicitly silenced. In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess. There should be 1-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do information technology. Although that manner may not be obvious at offset unless yous're Dutch. At present is amend than never. Although never is ofttimes better than *right* now. If the implementation is hard to explain, information technology'due south a bad idea. If the implementation is like shooting fish in a barrel to explain, it may be a good idea. Namespaces are one honking great idea -- allow'south do more than of those!                  


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